Shirt and Tie | Laurel DiGangi

Shirt and Tie | Laurel DiGangi

"Her torso was bent forward, her nose almost touching the tabletop. She made small, frantic motions with her fingers, as if rushing to knit a sweater for a pet gerbil or create a tiny tapestry for a dollhouse wall..."
The Third Floor | Emma Wilson-Kanamori

The Third Floor | Emma Wilson-Kanamori

"Something is wrong with the third floor. I have nightmares about it..." Emma Wilson-Kanamori is a writer, artist, and dancer who grew up in Japan and currently resides in Scotland.
Six Words | Hayley McCullough

Six Words | Hayley McCullough

Hayley McCullough is finishing up her PhD at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, New York). She recently published a mini-chapbook through Cholla Needles.
Four Konstrukce | Joshua Calladine-Jones

Four Konstrukce | Joshua Calladine-Jones

Joshua Calladine-Jones is the literary-critic-in-residence at Prague Writers' Festival. His pamphlet of poems, Constructions, which features "Four Konstrukce," is to be published by tall-lighthouse in 2021.
Things Begin to Happen at a Faster Rate | Kara McMullen

Things Begin to Happen at a Faster Rate | Kara McMullen

"Even before it started, the journey felt like a snake: something undulating and coiling and predatory. Later it felt like—nothing. It began on a humid-thick and warm spring day with a woman sitting on the wagon facing west..."