Willing | Michael Levan

Willing | Michael Levan

"She has given / over to the probability of loss, which is enough / to make one ask, How shall the heart be / reconciled from this feast? How shall it / remain intact to keep her going wherever she needs to go?"
Coot Feet | Amanda Jaffe

Coot Feet | Amanda Jaffe

"One minute I’m watching a small, black duck make its elegant approach toward the shoreline, barely a ripple on the water in its wake. The next minute, that 'duck' hops ashore on a pair of phlegm-colored legs that give way to three angst-inducing toes..."
Any Which Way | Tess Kursel

Any Which Way | Tess Kursel

"Grief is a scoundrel / A sweet liar / It will tell you that / if things stay loud enough / and busy enough, / it will scuttle away..."