The Other Side of the Thing | Dan Chilton

The Other Side of the Thing | Dan Chilton

"We need to defamiliarize our processes and our ideas. Throw some metaphorical wrenches into the machinery just to see what happens..." Dan Chilton unpacks "the pressures of literary realism on those approaching publishing."
Abstract Writing | David Stromberg

Abstract Writing | David Stromberg

"Rigor is a word that’s used more often in theoretical mathematics than in the creative arts. It has to do with the process of proving something as seemingly simple as the idea that 1 + 1 = 2..."
Shirt and Tie | Laurel DiGangi

Shirt and Tie | Laurel DiGangi

"Her torso was bent forward, her nose almost touching the tabletop. She made small, frantic motions with her fingers, as if rushing to knit a sweater for a pet gerbil or create a tiny tapestry for a dollhouse wall..."
Ability to Fit | Jacey de la Torre

Ability to Fit | Jacey de la Torre

"The trail is a sentence that I write with my steps, punctuating and accenting with the strict rhythm of my breath, an organic and lived poem etched into the land as it burns me anew..." Jacey de la Torre on discovering self and story through running.
TNT | Donald Anderson

TNT | Donald Anderson

"The blast rattled my teeth and rib cage. It pushed on the air in my lungs. In the time it took for the concussed dust to settle, I worried I’d loosened the grid..."
The Would-be Plan | Renee Soasey

The Would-be Plan | Renee Soasey

"...if her head falls back over the edge she would lay there, exposed and vulnerable, while the water gradually cools to chilly..."