The Noblest of the Senses: A Catalog | Joshua James Amberson

The Noblest of the Senses: A Catalog | Joshua James Amberson

"René Descartes famously called sight the 'noblest' of the senses... the high status of sight is truer than when he wrote the words in 1637, as the printing press was taking the place of oral traditions." Joshua James Amberson on "vision's reign" in storytelling media and at large.
The Role of the Environmental Writer | Juliana Roth

The Role of the Environmental Writer | Juliana Roth

"An enduring poem engaged with ecopoetics does more than comment on the natural world; it finds a way to evoke and challenge the senses and intellect of the reader." Juliana Roth on ecotone, ecopoetics, and the role of the environmental writer.
Baring the Device: Ethics in Publishing

Baring the Device: Ethics in Publishing

The Gravity of the Thing’s editors have compiled a brief list of resources that relate to ethical practices in publishing. Here are a few ways writers, editors, and publishers are critically analyzing literary craft and publishing processes.

Baring the Device: Pacific Northwest Literary Resources

The Gravity of the Thing is proud to support experimental writers from many different cultures and geographies, just as we are proud to be a part of our local writing community in the Pacific Northwest. Here is a quick list of literary resources for writers living in or near Portland, Oregon.