Ocean Haiku | Joshua St. Claire

Ocean Haiku | Joshua St. Claire

Joshua St. Claire's poetry has been recognized with the Touchstone Award for Individual Haiku, the British Haiku Society Award for Haiku, the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Invitational, and other awards.
From: Joan | Ann Pedone

From: Joan | Ann Pedone

"Joan, which in certain weathers is / Pronounced Moving Crosswise / Has been known in Paris / And the surrounding country / Side never called the language she spoke / Middle French..."
Tie | Johanna Ziegler

Tie | Johanna Ziegler

"Today, you have your sport in common. You’re teammates. But in the future, it’s her you’ll have in common. One of you will be her best friend. One of you will be her boyfriend. And one of you will hurt her enough to be arrested for it."
Spell Bound | Deborah Scott Studebaker

Spell Bound | Deborah Scott Studebaker

"I need the flash and the light / the steam and the boat / the spit and the fire / but I cannot seem to recognize / the scrap without the book / the land without the mark / the end without the stop."
Selected Poems | Venya Gushchin

Selected Poems | Venya Gushchin

"i can see / a gull drop foot by foot like it was copy / pasted down the pillar-canvas, falling / right on my eyes. collision is delight / embodied, rerun bodies form a rhyme / already used, already used to long / silences..."