Daryl Scroggins lives in Marfa, Texas. He is the author of This Is Not the Way We Came In, a collection of flash fiction and a flash novel (Ravenna Press, 2009).
"am I an AI or just a fluke // what’s the difference between bluffing and machine learning // is it // is this imposter syndrome or derea l i z a t i o n..."
"Her father likes to tell the story of her beginning, as a blue baby. She has heard it two times before, a memorable magnitude when it comes to her taciturn father..."
"fungal personas in luminous silhouette / armor of floral composites / condensed in long plates and curved helmets / live in the shifted future body..."
"The old chrome barber's chair is cool against Donna's calves. Scissors sigh around her shoulders as bright straw drops between the barber's old fingers, falling quiet and heavy like snow..."