The Would-be Plan | Renee Soasey

The Would-be Plan | Renee Soasey

"...if her head falls back over the edge she would lay there, exposed and vulnerable, while the water gradually cools to chilly..."
Six Words | Daryl Scroggins

Six Words | Daryl Scroggins

Daryl Scroggins lives in Marfa, Texas. He is the author of This Is Not the Way We Came In, a collection of flash fiction and a flash novel (Ravenna Press, 2009).
Selected Poetry | Maria Pachowicz

Selected Poetry | Maria Pachowicz

"am I an AI or just a fluke // what’s the difference between bluffing and machine learning // is it // is this imposter syndrome or derea l i z a t i o n..."
In the Beginning | Peg Alford Pursell

In the Beginning | Peg Alford Pursell

"Her father likes to tell the story of her beginning, as a blue baby. She has heard it two times before, a memorable magnitude when it comes to her taciturn father..."