Selected Poems | Panika M. C. Dillon

Selected Poems | Panika M. C. Dillon

"the Valkyries predicted we would crave quake, that the stars existed to shine down on our teeth embedded in sidewalks like ivory sequins / there’s a crack in the bruised sky of Ymir’s skull—that’s how the light invents Valaskjalf..."
Tie | Johanna Ziegler

Tie | Johanna Ziegler

"Today, you have your sport in common. You’re teammates. But in the future, it’s her you’ll have in common. One of you will be her best friend. One of you will be her boyfriend. And one of you will hurt her enough to be arrested for it."
Spruce Traps | Jordan Marzka

Spruce Traps | Jordan Marzka

"Buried in a pit of snow was the place to begin, so it began. The weight pressed downward on the body, as the body yielded to the mind. The mind pressed itself against the narrative of it all..."
Great Chain of Being | Luke Eldredge

Great Chain of Being | Luke Eldredge

"Upstairs some angel is dreaming / about all the women it annunciated. / It is dreaming about the calluses / on the buff of their feet, how the calluses / change shape with their heavying bodies..."
Paradoxes, Borders, and Tragedies | Lillie E. Franks

Paradoxes, Borders, and Tragedies | Lillie E. Franks

"The prison warden says to the prisoner, 'You will be executed sometime during the next week. It will be on a day you do not expect.' The prisoner concludes that they cannot be executed on the last day of the week, or they would expect it..."
A Haunting | Marguerite Alley

A Haunting | Marguerite Alley

"Since the arrival of the ghosts, we have been instructed to shelter in place and feed whatever ghosts arrive on our doorstep. For our roommates who are essential workers, this means little..."