We All Fall Down | Alissa Hattman

We All Fall Down | Alissa Hattman

"...in another’s hands are her hand and someone else’s hand. In someone else’s hands is another hand and, also, my hand. Like this, we go around and around..."
Any Which Way | Tess Kursel

Any Which Way | Tess Kursel

"Grief is a scoundrel / A sweet liar / It will tell you that / if things stay loud enough / and busy enough, / it will scuttle away..."
Figures 5-28 | Jeffrey Bean

Figures 5-28 | Jeffrey Bean

"Fig. 8: The duck is moved by the tender color of the evening sky / Fig. 9: The duck throws a punch / Fig. 10: The duck is surprised by the skill of his opponent..."
Slum Clearances | Hannah Linden

Slum Clearances | Hannah Linden

"There were never no back-going / once it gone, it gone and no / point remembering something / no body for..." Hannah Linden's first home community in the North of the UK was demolished as part of a slum clearance programme.