Karen Ah-hwei Lee, winner of the 2019 Big Other Book Award for Fiction

Karen Ah-hwei Lee’s The Maze of Transparencies (Ellipsis Press) is the winner of the inaugural 2019 Big Other Book Award in fiction. A warm congratulations to Karen! She is also the author of Phyla of Joy (Tupelo, 2012), Ardor (Tupelo, 2008), In Medias Res (Sarabande, 2004), and Sonata in K (Ellipsis, 2017). Her poems “Suzume, an Origami Bird at the Apocalypse,” “Dear Millennium, on Proof of Beauty in Exile,” and “Invocation for the Water in the Well, Jing Shui” were featured in The Gravity of the Thing’s Summer 2018 issue.

Praise for The Maze of Transparencies:

“Karen An-hwei Lee is brilliant. A writer who can hear the present, who is generous enough to give the present a forum to speak, and a writer who knows that a narrative, a narrator, is never what it seems.”

—Harold  Abramowitz, author of A House on a HillNot Blessed, and Dear Dearly Departed  

“This is a polyglot guide to existential collapse, a multivalent antiserum for the promises of technological progress. We need this book.”

—Evelyn Hampton, author of Discomfort, The Aleatory Abyss, and Famous Children and Famished Adults