Makayla Danielle Gay, Hackles (Girl Noise Press)

Cover art for HacklesMakayla Danielle Gay is the author of the forthcoming poetry collection Hackles (Girl Noise Press). Several poems from Hackles first appeared in The Gravity of the Thing‘s Summer 2024 issue. Click here to check out Makayla’s poetry and multimedia work.

About Hackles:

Intricate, expansive, and darkly clever, Hackles is a collection of poems that combs every bit of its landscape. Rooted in Appalachia (and sometimes flying over and away), Makayla Danielle Gay’s debut collection weighs confinement and freedom with a careful gaze.

The world of Hackles is teeming with creatures, textures, and sound. These poems creak with local folklore and looming violence; they wayfind with voice memos and stacks of stones. Everything hungers. Many things bloom. Cycles of rebirth and rot roll up and down its hills.

Hackles allows readers to immerse in Gay’s Appalachia: to hear its background chatter, meet its living and its dead, to explore its directionless wild — and what lies beyond it.