Heart-Foal | Lily Holloway

Heart-Foal | Lily Holloway

"Today a self that burns to look at ditched roadside / [not sure abandonment is self-flagellation or survival] / broke open and spiraled out / another junked failure-self..."
Postapocalypto | Charles Byrne

Postapocalypto | Charles Byrne

"Call it a letter to the soil and sea and air, / A love letter to the Earth we once knew, / Its once-warm embrace— / We say, in fondest adumbration, / Don’t hold tight..."
Selected Poems | Makayla Gay

Selected Poems | Makayla Gay

"Have I told you how badly I wanted to lift the shroud of Saint Basil of Ostrog / to see if the smell of basil lingered in his bones? / I didn’t— / not because I’m scared of the dead or the sacred..."
Great Chain of Being | Luke Eldredge

Great Chain of Being | Luke Eldredge

"Upstairs some angel is dreaming / about all the women it annunciated. / It is dreaming about the calluses / on the buff of their feet, how the calluses / change shape with their heavying bodies..."