In | Ron Riekki

In | Ron Riekki

"in the military, they screwed up and took my X-ray twice, back to back, had me leave the room and then sent me right back in and when I came out, they said, 'You didn’t just take his X-ray again, did you?'..."
Remind Me Your Name Again | Katie McCarthy

Remind Me Your Name Again | Katie McCarthy

"...look out your / window at that rock shaped like horses’ teeth and the clouds that slowly pass by / Remind me of dirty tiles, that they really should—really should—clean..."
Wandering Maiden | Chris Carrera

Wandering Maiden | Chris Carrera

"The world wants our marrow / then to spew us into Gehenna. / That is all. / The world’s to-do list? / A nose ring in the snout of a pig being led to slaughter..."
Draw a Line | Susan Moon

Draw a Line | Susan Moon

"Instructions: Draw a line from each item on the left to its matching item on the right. There may be more than one match for each item..."
Joy | Samantha Fain

Joy | Samantha Fain

"a limbless thing, / a flushed pink tube / that bristles & grows / symmetrical, / that wiggles rings / around your heart / & drums around, / but dim. & in the rain / joy arrives—"
Flying Fox | Kristi Maxwell

Flying Fox | Kristi Maxwell

The beautiful outlaw, a lipogram that does not use the letters in the subject’s name (in this case, the name of an endangered species) explores what happens when what is endangered is instead absent—gone.