[what does not belong to you] | Juliana Wnuk

[what does not belong to you] | Juliana Wnuk

"Many berries had fallen off the branches, and I crushed a few under my knees when I knelt. Sitting low, I could see inside more clearly. There were stains. Blueberry girl had blue in her and on her..."
Time Animal | Emelia Steenekamp

Time Animal | Emelia Steenekamp

"Then comes a high-numbered day in the cold season when something happens, e.g. the sound of a digital bell saying it is time for mothers. Soft handbags and heads of hair pouring in through the door..."
The Memory Game | Franki Haber

The Memory Game | Franki Haber

"The Rules of the Game: If you follow these rules, no harm can come to you. It is important to remember these rules. This game relies on your memory. How much can you remember?"
Before Advent | Grace Yannotta

Before Advent | Grace Yannotta

"Here, the swellings of hormones and the snarling of menstruation and the growling insecurities have written blatantly into my syntax; and yet, joy too, in mourning and in family and in a simplistic autumn daze..."
The Worms | K. James D’Agostino

The Worms | K. James D’Agostino

"The garden was nothing if not a lesson in death. Brown spots immediately appeared on the leaves of the pepper plants, outpacing even the blooming of the marigolds and reducing half her hopes to diseased compost..."
The Art of Haiku | Ewa Mazierska

The Art of Haiku | Ewa Mazierska

"As a teenager Jack suffered from what Freud called ‘the narcissism of small differences’ in relation to his brother. He blew these differences up in search of his path out of Jim’s shadow until he discovered that the differences were in fact huge..."