Where Are You Going? | Daniel de Culla

-Where are you going? you ask the politician.
The politician answers:
-To cheat and steal.
-Where are you going? a sinful woman asks the priest.
The priest answers:
-You haven’t given me the meat yet
And you already want absolution?
-Where are you going? the boy or girl asks the instructor.
The instructor answers:
-To the clergyman and the trout
Your divine little ass searches.
-Where are you going? the wife asks the husband who is a nurse.
-To buy tobacco
And raise the skirt of the whore
From the country house
And give her the covid injection.
-Where are you going, patron? the worker asks the boss.
The patron, potbellied and sick, replies:
-To see how the girls work.
The worker followed the boss with his eyes
Seeing how to a working girl
He was riding on his horn.
Soon after, she yelled:
-Oh God, let my master run.
The worker, thus seeing his master
He told to a coworker
That worked right next to him:
-Little brunette of my eyes
Just looking at you
You burn and burn me
Taking out of her fly a kind of black pudding
Showing it to the girl
Telling her:
-If you want, put it to roast in your warm breast.
She replied:
-She is good in good faith.
But put it in your mother fucking.

Daniel de Culla is a writer, poet, painter, and photographer. He is a member of the Spanish Writers Association, Earthly Writers International Caucus (International Authors), Surrealism Art, Friends of The Blake Society, Nietzsche Circle, and the director of Gallo Tricolor Review and Robespierre Review. He has been published in journals and magazines from over the world: Otholiths, The Stray Branch, Down in the Dirt, Califragile, Luna Luna, Lyre, and more. He lives between Madrid and Burgos, Spain, just now.