Stranged Writing Reviews in 2022

Stranged Writing Reviews in 2022

"[Stranged Writing] asks for us to engage, not scroll, to think, not just document: it insists on our humanity." Reviews of our first anthology, Stranged Writing: A Literary Taxonomy, are emerging in the literary community.
Stranged Writing Release Reading

Stranged Writing Release Reading

The Gravity of the Thing celebrates the release of Stranged Writing: A Literary Taxonomy on October 13th. Join us at The Stacks Coffeehouse to hear contributors Joshua James Amberson, Alex Behr, Lucie Bonvalet, Benjamin Kessler, Matt Rebholz, and Eli Ronick read their defamiliarized works.

Janice Lee, author of Separation Anxiety (CLASH Books)

Janice Lee is the author of the forthcoming poetry collection, Separation Anxiety (CLASH Books, 2022). Janice (she/they) is the author of seven books of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry, most recently, Imagine a Death (Texas Review Press, 2021).