Matter of Days | Amber Burke

Matter of Days | Amber Burke

"A farewell of last meetings that were not recognized, at the time, as such; a cessation of plans for the completion of incomplete projects; a futility of vengeful thoughts; a surrendering of cherished hostilities..."
Coot Feet | Amanda Jaffe

Coot Feet | Amanda Jaffe

"One minute I’m watching a small, black duck make its elegant approach toward the shoreline, barely a ripple on the water in its wake. The next minute, that 'duck' hops ashore on a pair of phlegm-colored legs that give way to three angst-inducing toes..."
Six Words | Lisa Marie Lopez

Six Words | Lisa Marie Lopez

Lisa Marie Lopez resides in Northern California and has been published recently in Blink-Ink and Potato Soup Journal.
Nocturne to Uterus | Trish Hopkinson

Nocturne to Uterus | Trish Hopkinson

"...lustful compulsions / & boiling blood / philandering & crude / warbling w/desire / & snarling obscene / Grendel uterus / persistent in crooning..."