Exhibits for the Court | Andrew Steketee

Music by Mike Castillo

Institute of Genealogical Studies

The psychoneuroimmunologist walks down a long, white hallway and says, My father lied about everything.


Conjoined Twins

Elizabeth Ruth Lenz, November 16, 1967—November 18, 1967
Mary Anne Lenz, November 16, 1967—November 17, 1967


Empirical Data

About nineteen percent of men report they’ve experienced Don Juan syndrome.



I ran over a eight-month-old pointer you never met.



Love letters you sent whatshisname, engineering the multi-state affair.


Sexually Transmitted Disease

Some guy gave me a stupid rash—he said it’s nothing.


Sepsis Syndrome

Your Honor, The deadest marriage I’ve ever seen runs along the road to Sao Paulo. If you fell in, the skin would probably melt off your bones.



Forms available for $0.15 per page. Dissolution of Marriage: $408.00. Other Domestics: $300.00. The clerk accepts checks, credit, and money orders.


Psychological and Psychiatric Records

But for statutes, there’s no reason to allow the therapist-patient privilege to prevent the court from obtaining this important information.


Note on a Window

You’ve been a complete asshole—r u coming home?


Marian White’s Platinum Ring

Beneath a pohutukawa tree in the Manawatu-Wanganui district.


Individuals Who’ve Lost Everything

1. Balanced diet
2. Drugs and alcohol
3. Basic grooming
4. Sleep
5. Football
6. Communicate
7. Avoid wedding photographs
8. Don’t kill yourself
9. Surya Namaskars


Invasion of Privacy

When you were in California, I walked into the house and opened your journal to see if you were sleeping with anyone, until it clouded over and rained inside my heart.


Eternal Design

Two people are two people, not three people. This is the basic idea.


Free Association

A distinguished physician was retained to salvage our relationship. In practical terms, that meant placing the marriage in restraints, heating a large cabbage knife, and cauterizing the distance between you and me.


Woman from Los Angeles

I met a woman from Los Angeles who wouldn’t answer the phone, which makes you wonder what else she wouldn’t do.



We cannot undo what’s been done.



There’s a Mid-Century Eichler at the center of the Earth. Let’s meet there to discuss what cannot be discussed.


Like Summer Virga

Our memories evaporate above the Maroon Bells…

Andrew Steketee is a writer, online content strategist, and former editor of The Flyfish Journal and MidCurrent. His work has appeared in The Flyfish Journal, The Drake, Entropy, Fleas on the Dog, Free State Review, and the Mountain Gazette. He is the graduate of the University of Michigan and Western Michigan University, where he studied undergraduate and graduate English.
For over a decade, Mike Castillo has played with many bands in many historic and historically dingy venues, including the band Mourning Blues, which recorded three studio albums, countless live recordings, and was a finalist in the 2010 Battle of the Bands. From heavy metal to soul, reggae to punk rock, and blues to prog rock, Castillo’s music finds inspiration in many different genres and subjects.