Stranged Writing Reviews in 2022

A photo of two hardcover copies of Stranged Writing stacked on top of unfolded green-and-purple screen-printed dust jackets. The hardcover features a fern-green cover with silver, foil-stamped lettering.The Gravity of the Thing celebrated the release of its first anthology, Stranged Writing: A Literary Taxonomy in October of 2022, and we are excited to see the collection popping up in the literary community. Reviewers are saying…

“The value in this project is to see new once again, so we can recover the thrill of being alive. This practice opens doors of perception, novel pathways of thoughts, expressions, and modes of creativity, that the walls of familiarity rendered unthinkable. In an age of totalized digital content where speed, efficiency, and the intake of information marker success, Stranged Writing takes a defiant stance. It asks for us to engage, not scroll, to think, not just document: it insists on our humanity.”

—Matt Chelf, Northwest Review

Our Stranged Writing release reading at The Stacks Coffeehouse was also covered by The Pacific Sentinel, which is based at Portland State University. To read Sarah Samms’s review of the event, please click here.

Stranged Writing is an anthology of defamiliarized creative writing curated according to biological taxonomy (species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, and domain) using word count. Our hardcover edition includes a screen-printed dust jacket that transforms into unique literary organisms or book sculptures, the goal being a dimensional and tactile reading experience during these largely digital times. To learn more or order your print or digital copy, please click here.