Benjamin Kessler, Of This World (Game Over Books)

Benjamin Kessler is the author of the short story collection Of This World, released by Game Over Books. His story "How to Build a Box" was the feature of our Winter 2019 issue as well as anthologized in our Stranged Writing anthology.
Stranged Writing Release Reading

Stranged Writing Release Reading

The Gravity of the Thing celebrates the release of Stranged Writing: A Literary Taxonomy on October 13th. Join us at The Stacks Coffeehouse to hear contributors Joshua James Amberson, Alex Behr, Lucie Bonvalet, Benjamin Kessler, Matt Rebholz, and Eli Ronick read their defamiliarized works.
How to Build a Box | Benjamin Kessler

How to Build a Box | Benjamin Kessler

"Amass your lumber. Use planks recovered from Great Cottonwood, which stood out near Haystack Rock for all those years and of which pieces can still be found around Furness, Wyoming..."