Wak’a | Will McCollum

Wak’a | Will McCollum

"Today, of moments: / Paraguayan contra- / band cigarettes and / the sunset in subtle Andean / purples over a brewery / of a beer we drink here..."
Selected Poems | nicole v basta

Selected Poems | nicole v basta

"...could watch the tiny curls / being sewn onto a baby doll’s head / on youtube / sterile gloved hands spiral the hair / spinning and giving in to its orbit..."
Selected Poems | Emelia Reuterfors

Selected Poems | Emelia Reuterfors

"...saw the pause / in his cornea, / to distribute the right fact / to your audience. you breathe / through, spindle / the throat’s wire, / release the tongue spark."
A Classical Triptych | Robert West

A Classical Triptych | Robert West

Robert West's poems have most recently appeared in Alabama Literary Review, Light, Lighten Up Online, Still, and Snakeskin; his chapbook Convalescent appeared from Finishing Line Press in 2011.