Chekhov’s Wristwatch When I was 20 I flew for the first time (for the first time in my life I mean). The whole way I held up my nephew’s fat bottom with the palm of my hand while he pressed his melon against the window and I kept trying to gently nudge his splayed fingers out of the way so I could see too.Who did the Rockies look biggest to?
who has been on the ground (& for a while) who has looked up at mountains from the ground after
knowing mountains
him, who’s whole bottom fits in a hand.
Basil Have I told you how badly I wanted to lift the shroud of Saint Basil of Ostrog to see if the smell of basil lingered in his bones? I didn’t—not because I’m scared of the dead or the sacred
or to discover that miracles no longer exist
but because of this huge grey priest
that stood there with these eyes as sad as milk saucers.
He gave me the tiniest nod when I approached the body and taught me how to make the sign of the cross. I felt like I had been given a whole crate of oranges.
For Lennie