How the Island Forms | Jesi Bender

How the Island Forms | Jesi Bender

Jesi Bender is an artist from Upstate New York whose first book, The Book the Last Word, was published in spring, 2019 from Whisk(e)y Tit. Her shorter work has appeared in Split Lip, Lunch Ticket, and The Rumpus, among others.
No-brainer | Jay Barnica

No-brainer | Jay Barnica

"Let’s play a quick game, class: / list everything new under the sun. / Think cloud-based collaboration. / Think even bigger. / Thankfully, the story can now be told / on a planetary scale..."
Pigeon | William C. Blome

Pigeon | William C. Blome

William C. Blome's work has previously appeared in Poetry London, PRISM International, In Between Hangovers, Fiction Southeast, Roanoke Review, and The California Quarterly.
Thrust Fault | Vivian Ia

Thrust Fault | Vivian Ia

"our lot was labor / & liquor / made us feel bigger / than monstrosities, sooty / for the tazing / amoebic cancerous darlings / whispers from lineage to lineage, / clutching their pain..."